Trip to Baler

By Cy the hyperville

Our trip to Baler was definitely one of my favorite trip of all time. From delightful places that I have visited to the very pleasing people that I have met there. Not to mention its thought-provoking historical background, Baler is surely a brilliant place to be.

Baler is located at the Province of Aurora, named after the late President Manuel L. Quezon’s wife. It is about 230 kilometers from our home. Quite tiring right? Definitely! But once you get there, you’ll forget about how long you stayed inside the car with nothing to do but to listen to the radio.

Supposedly, 6 hours is the maximum travel time but because of my dad’s amazing driving skills (nah) it took us 8 to 9 hours #butthurts. The first thing that we did was to look for a place to stay. It was very difficult for us to look for a place because the "Bayan" has a lot of “pasikot-sikot” or “eskinitas”. 

Good thing we found this place right here! It was a lucky day for us because the place that we got cost us only 2000 php per room and other facilities. It wasn’t actually a high-end place that actors or actresses would go but it was really well-ordered, accommodating and convenient. If I’m not mistaken, the rooms were in the middle of the “Bayan” so buying foods and going to places was an “easy peasy” for us.

 Surfing!!!! Yay! I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Baler is known for its splashing waves that is very well-matched when it comes to surfing. For only 300 php, I enjoyed surfing for an hour and a half. (300php per hour or depending on who you negotiate with xD). The 30 minutes was a free surf for me because I'm pretty.(Pretty enough to throw in the garbage can lolz.)I surfed late in the afternoon so that the sun won’t damage my skin. It was scorching hot! But it didn’t stop me in appreciating the beauty of baler and enjoying the waves.

In this picture, kuya “I forgot the name” gave me the rules and guidelines in surfing. Phew! Please excuse my disturbing face due to excitement. Feels like a Pro though!

 "Kuya tingin ka dun picture tayo"

 "Ay ayaw, ako na lang"

There’s so much to share but my slothfulness deprives me in pressing every key in the keyboard so yeah…..Till next time! This is my very first Blogpost so please excuse my#bloggerskillz coz’ I know nothing about blogging.Thank you so much for stopping by hehe…

Talk to you soon! And remember, Pink makes everything wonderful. Live life to the “cutest”.


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