"Oiliness is next to ugliness" this quote is the beauty geek's counterpart of the famous quote "Cleanliness is next to Godliness". I wouldn't beg to disagree with this quote because indeed, Oiliness is next to dirt sticking onto your face making it irritated that leads to acne and whiteheads that cause depression and devastation. Well I was exaggerating on that part.

 Having an oily skin, it is almost impossible for me to have a clear glass-like skin that Korean actresses have in K dramas. This is why, whenever I have extra dough to spend, I go to a skincare station to have my facial. 

This time I have decided to try out Dermcare located at Lakeview, Pasig. Dermcare is a company that sells skincare, beauty supplements and beauty services.

I availed their Basic Facial that is worth 380 pesos. I wouldn't say that it's pricey but I wont say that is cheap as well. 

The attendant first cleaned up my face using a toner. She didn't thoroughly cleaned my whole face which I wasn't happy about considering the fact that I was wearing a makeup that time.

After cleaning my face with a toner, She placed a cream on my face to soften it and prep it for the hot steam that I was subjected to. The cream had a floral scent that I like.

After the steam and a little bit of face massage, My most awaited part came. The pricking part. I would like to commend the attendant because she did a great part in removing the whiteheads and blackheads that have accumulated for the past weeks since I had my previous facial. The laser came next to hel reduce the redness of my face caused by pricking. 

Lastly, she placed a different cream to calm down the redness of my face and gave me a quick head and back massage. 

To sum it all up, my Dermcare experience wasn't something that I would brag about to my girls on a coffee day out. But considering the price and how the facial treatment was done, I would say that I got my money's worth and I would definitely come back If I have extra time and cash to spare.  

Aside form skincare services, Dermcare-Lakeview,Pasig Branch also offers salon services.
This is the pricelist of the services offered in the branch.
I also like how the owner maximizes the branch and displays the products that are sold in Dermcare. I believe that that they are all exclusively made by the company itself.


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